I can't believe that it's been more than a week since I last wrote! It's insane how fast this last week has flown by, but at the same time it's not surprising because every day is absolutely filled with a combination of classes, work, doing homework, and this last Wednesday, taking Jill to the MTC :)
She was SO ready to enter the MTC and it makes me incredibly happy to know she's there, finally preparing to go to San Antonio, TX. I thought that she'd maybe get a little emotional, but she was just pumped and excited to finally be there and get started with what she's waited so long to do. She was radiating from the time we took her in to when we had to part. Jill will be Jill though...a funny thing happened while she was getting her missionary tag. The missionary next to her happened to be going to the San Antonio mission as well, and so she lightly hit his arm in excitement, saying 'no way, we're in the same mission!' The lady helping them out then said, 'um, you can't touch the elders.' It was so funny! During the orientation meeting for the families/friends with their missionaries, we could all feel the spirit SO strong...it was wonderful, and I could tell that it was getting Jill even more excited to just dive in and start. Right after the meeting, we went to the MTC Presidency office so she could get set apart. Her Aunt Joy and I took notes so that we could send the main things said to her parents in South Africa. She was promised certain things and advised about things that only herself and God would know about. I LOVE the power of the priesthood and of God's love for us :) After the blessing, Jill had the biggest smile spread across her face, she was glowing it seemed like. She still hadn't cried at all, but I broke her when we hugged goodbye and I started to cry. She only cried for a moment, but then anxiously and happily followed someone around the corner, which was the last we saw of her. It was hard to let her go, but at the same time, I am SO happy that she's finally in the mission field. I felt confirmation from the spirit during the meeting and in her setting apart blessing that she is ready and is going to do great. She is in good hands.
Bringing Jill to the MTC brought back so many memories/feelings from when I went there and later on when I went into the field...it felt so good!
Went on a couple dates this weekend, both of which were actually fun, but I don't think much of anything will come from them. Right now I'm just interested in getting to know different kinds of people and having fun...if anything happens, it will happen naturally, right? Ha, that's what I hope for anyway. Even if it's not an Elder Ensign.
BYU CRUSHED UCLA yesterday, and it was AWESOME!! I couldn't go to the game because of my leg, but I watched it from the comfort of my living room, hehe. I have no idea what has happened to the UCLA team, but their playing was kind of pathetic overall, so it seemed like it was an all-too-easy win for us. With a victory of more than 50 points to 0, I'd say that much will be expected from the BYU football team next time too.
My hamstring is slowly but surely getting better. I'm really hoping that I can get off of my crutches in just the next few days. I've already been on them for a week and I have to say, I've come to love my Advil pills and my arms have gotten so strong and buff ;) But I can't wait to simply walk around by myself!
Don't hesitate to update or make your own blogs, because I like hearing news from all of you!
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